
Bringing the outside in

At Wild & Country we’re reimagining the spaces we live, work, learn and holiday in. Afterall, it’s widely proven that buildings that help us to connect with nature have a hugely beneficial impact on our health and wellbeing, including lowered blood pressure, reduced stress hormones and improved mental engagement. Allowing nature into our lives is the cornerstone of better, healthier living.

New ways of being

The way we want to live – and work – has changed. Our lives, so busy with the hustle and bustle of daily life, need spaces in which to calm the mind and feed the soul. Sometimes, we just need to stop, listen and breathe and find a way to reconnect with the world around us. This is what we do at Wild & Country. We make modular cabins, homes and offices that channel the vast powers of nature and give that grounded feeling that is so often lost in urban life.

our buildings

Connections with nature

By 2050, nearly two-thirds of us will be living in cities. A reconnection with the British countryside is essential if we are to slow down and regain a little balance. We need to remember life’s simple pleasures: the sound of morning birdsong. The smell of freshly cut grass. An evening sunset over a western skyline. A dark sky full of stars. At Wild & Country, we make spaces that help to make this happen. We call this a life well-lived.

Simpler living & working

Our buildings and cabins offer a completely different way to live, work or even holiday. Made from natural, wholesome materials that are specified with great care to reflect the world around us, each space fosters a connection with the natural world. We think of it as a way of to tune in to a deeper part of our psyche. In many ways, it’s a chance to declutter. It’s never too late to relish the call of the wild.

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